Team foto BEMAS

BEMAS, the Belgian Maintenance Association vzw-asbl, is a dynamic non-profit organisation for Maintenance and Asset Management Professionals. We help asset intensive organisations on the road to world class maintenance and management of technical equipment and infrastructure.

We address both maintenance & asset managers in industry and other asset intensive organisations, and suppliers of maintenance services and solutions. The mission of BEMAS is to create a larger awareness and appreciation for maintenance, reliability and asset management.

BEMAS organises 150+ initiatives yearly (webinars, seminars, open training sessions, in company training sessions company visits, working groups, events, etc...) welcoming well over 2.000 participants.

BEMAS has established an extensive network of maintenance and asset management professionals in Belgian Industry. We have almost 600 company members with 850+ member contact persons. Also employees of companies that are not a member participate at the frequently organized sessions for sharing best practices in maintenance and asset management.

BEMAS helps its members to achieve a higher Return on Assets through better management of machines, installations and infrastructures. We strive to increase efficiency, reliability and quality, and to reduce lifecycle costs, environmental impact, energy consumption and risks. By bringing people together and sharing knowledge about maintenance and asset management, BEMAS forms the bridge to a sustainable and competitive industry and economic prosperity in Belgium.

BEMAS could also be your ‘Bridge to Worldclass Maintenance & Asset Management’. 

We represent different groups

  • Industrial manufacturing companies from all economic sectors
    BEMAS is aimed at maintenance managers, asset managers and other technically responsible people in both large and small production companies. There are also training courses and study sessions for maintenance engineers, reliability engineers, plant managers, shutdown managers, energy managers, operation managers, maintenance planners, maintenance supervisors, etc.
  • Asset-intensive organisations
    Utility companies, infrastructure managers and fleet owners are also members to stay up to date on the latest evolutions, practices and best practices in asset management
  • Suppliers of services and products for technical maintenance and asset management
    Executives, service managers, project managers and product specialists can network and share knowledge about (field) service, maintenance and asset management at BEMAS.
  • Academic institutions and training centres
    Teachers and programme managers of universities, technical (high) schools and training centres stay in touch with practice thanks to BEMAS.

Members of BEMAS come in all sizes: from sole proprietorship over SME to big multinational. The one thing they have in common is their interest in our platform for sharing knowledge and best practices in maintenance and asset management. In this way, BEMAS wants to increase the competitiveness of the Belgian industry, and create added value by making the management of assets, equipment, installations and buildings more sustainable.

Our activities

  • Member activities 
    In a couple of hours, a specialist provides relevant information about current topics in maintenance and asset management. Every year, BEMAS organises dozens member activities inspirening hundreds of maintenance & asset management professionals. Participation is free for members.
  • Courses and Trainings
    BEMAS has a well established portfolio of courses and trainings on a variety of sublects in the field of reliability engineering, maintenance and asset management. Our  lecturers provide meaningful theoretical insights, combined with exercises, best practices and case studies.
  • Company visits
    A look behind the scenes to see how technical maintenance and asset management is performed in other companies.
  • Projects and groups
    Participants of working groups look for concrete solutions. Some examples of their challenges: benchmarking of Hands on Tool Time (HoTT), better organisation of shutdowns, the choice of a CMMS, using ERP systems also for maintenance management, etc.
  • Events & Awards

Our areas of expertise

Asset Management

How do you ensure that the engineering, maintenance and operation of your assets and infrastructure are aligned with the business strategy? How do you decide to replace or maintain an asset? How do you manage risks? How do you report on the value of your tangible assets? With the ISO 55000-standard as a guideline, BEMAS brings different sessions about the structured management of physical assets.

Maintenance Management

What is the right type of maintenance for your machinery? How can maintenance add the most value to your company? How can you make your technicians work more efficiently? How can you optimise your stock and spare parts management? How can maintenance work better together with purchasing and engineering? When is it appropriate to outsource maintenance? We cover topics such as Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), Value Driven Maintenance (VDM), Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), Operator Driven Reliability (ODR), Hands on Tool Time (HoTT). Theory and practical examples from various sectors are discussed.

Reliability Engineering

The reliability engineer and maintenance engineer work towards a more reliable machine park, the right maintenance programme for your production lines, correctly defined procedures, timely detection of faults and the elimination of frequently recurring problems. We help you on your way with training courses and workshops, with themes such as RCM II and III, Asset Health Management and Innovative Troubleshooting.

Maintenance tools & technologies

Better maintenance starts with efficient interventions by maintenance technicians. Knowledge of the right tools and technology is indispensable for this. BEMAS also covers the use of maintenance software (EAM, CMMS), condition monitoring equipment (vibration analysis, ultrasound analysis, thermography), precision alignment, best practices in lubrication and many other technical topics.

Shutdown & Turn Around Management

In all major industries, regularly scheduled stops are organised for important maintenance tasks. A turn around includes the full cycle of preparatory works, the actual shutdown and execution of works until the restart. A turnaround is not a classic investment project. There are very specific requirements that require an equally specific approach and methodology. At BEMAS, you can learn how to better organise a shutdown and turn around.

Safe Maintenance

Naturally, maintenance is carried out in safe conditions. A correct safety policy ensures a safe working environment and helps to prevent accidents, costs and reputation damage. BEMAS presents practical examples of safe maintenance, including technical aspects such as ATEX.

Energy & Sustainability

The basis of energy management is the permanent monitoring of consumption. We inform you about energy management (ISO 50000), energy performance contracts, monitoring and benchmarking, strategic energy purchasing, the role of maintenance in energy policy and more. We also pay special attention to sustainability goals.

Facility Management

We also pay attention to the maintenance of buildings and technical building systems. How can you better plan and budget facility maintenance? What are the legal requirements? How to optimise the maintenance of technical systems such as lifts and HVAC installations?

Field Service Management

lf you are responsible for a team of mobile technicians, you want to be able to monitor the work correctly and get the most out of your field services. We can provide you with study sessions on the efficient management of your field services. 





BEMAS Corporate Sponsors